Monday, December 24, 2012

Holy smokes I'm finished with school...........Now what O.o? I finally stepped my digital line game up. Now I'm learning myself how to finish them! I did the flats for Supergirl and I was going to finish her but I didn't realize I packed up my Wacom to ship it back to Baltimore with the rest of my stuff. =/. Well...I guess I should go ahead and try to get some more freelance under my belt. Hopefully I'll get a Cintiq soon and my life will become a whole lot easier. =] Merry Christmas to all the people who will never read this post!

Friday, October 12, 2012

One of my better digital drawings. Getting closer to the way I draw with pencils but still not quite there yet. It was a homework assignment for class. I have to go back over all of my old works and bring them up to at least this level in two weeks. My teacher didn't give me a critique but I think I did okay. I need to start posting up more stuff. I'm thinking of making a separate blog for my portfolio as well. Hmm...I guess we will see in a few weeks. I'll probably check back in next month before and after CTN.

Sunday, August 12, 2012

 This is the kind of stuff you'd see if you looked through my sketchbook at the moment. I've been notorious for having the technical ability to draw but making my figures too stiff. This is how I addressed that problem. This is one of the first pages I did. I've done loads more of these since. I'd suggest giving it a try. I'm sure it would help any level artist.

Holy Moly Donut Shop! Two posts in one day! This is a "Raven" sketch I was asked to draw. I think it looks more like Kara impersonating Raven but meh. What do I know? Going to tweak this one in a couple weeks if I can remember to when I get back to school. Until next time friends!

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Female Figure

I think I've finally reached a semi-pro level of drawing figures. It could be more realistic. But it's hard to break out of the habits I've picked up studying character design. Also finally learned how to clean up my drawings before I upload them so they don't have a messy background from the scanner. I'm forever in a struggle with my hair drawing. I need to address this problem. School year is about to start! Most of my classes are digital classes so the plan is to get awesome at digital painting. I'm super pumped!

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Finished up the 1000 heads. Wont be uploading them though. For the last three sets I studied Sean "Cheeks" Galloway, Kinu Nishimura, and Sandro Cluezo. It was a real challenge. Maybe I'll post some of my favorite ones up. At any rate ONWARDS WITH THE CHALLENGE!! Since I finished the heads I have done 250 hands and 500 arms. The 250 hands are posted above but I'm not going to post up the arms. The scanner at the lab was dirty and if I clean it up too much the arms disappear. Maybe I should start going to the library.

I was trying to do more stylized hands but I guess I kind of failed in that respect. Either way it was good practice and good fun! Now its time do do 250 feet and 500 legs. I have to save the legs for last because they are my favorite things to practice. I'm attending a workshop this summer so I should have some full bodies to upload soon.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Jorge Molina pt. 2

I've been pumping out heads like crazy. I just haven't gotten around to posting them. I probably won't be posting for a week or two so I can focus on school for a bit. Midterms will be coming up soon and I'd like to devote a lot of attention to them. I'll still be drawing of course but it might take me 5 days or so to pump out a hundred heads instead of the two days I've been doing them in. Aw well. That is life I suppose.

 Back to the awesome stuff. I was bored of doing these heads towards the end. Which is a shame because now that I've finished doing them I find myself thinking of other awesome head shapes to do. I have to commit though and move on. I learned  A LOT by doing these heads. The most valuable ,in my opinion, is being able to break my proportions. More particularly in the eyes. I can now eyeball the placement of the eyes and I just kind of feel it out now rather than measure it. After I found this trick I reduced my drawing time by a good 30 seconds.

 I passed 100 heads on my Nishimura style a while ago but I haven't gotten around to posting yet. If you're asking "Then why haven't you posted them with these?" its because I scanned these in last week and just didn't post them. Sorry I know this post seemed more like a random rant than anything but I'm tired. I promise I'll do better next time...........maybe.

P.S. My favorite head from the Molina bunch is the one where I mixed Jim Lee and Molina's style. It's tagged "dope" if you're interested in finding it.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Jorge Molina pt.1

The first hundred heads for Jorge Molina. Learned a lot from doing this. It's pretty relaxing. It seemed as if no matter what kind of crazy rule you broke during the drawing it still came out as....something. Long story short I loved emulating this guy's style. for the next 100 heads I'm going to start putting some hair on these bad boys. I think I got the head shapes down pretty decently. I also have a few days to kill so I may even get to do an actual drawing rather than these heads. Who knows? Also the internet has been down in my dorm for the second half of the week so I couldn't upload on Friday. Soooo technically I didn't lie about uploading twice in the same week. So yeah I'll see you all on Friday with the second half of heads!