Thursday, February 2, 2012

First 100 Heads Jim lee Style (Men)

This is the first hundred comic style heads. Of course I went with the main man himself Jim Lee. I figured this would be a good place to start because its a popular appeal and its one that peaked my interest in comics. A few pages in I was overwhelmed  with the style and had to start from scratch. I was doing too much. Trying to get his hair and rendering style all in one go. This was a bad idea. I had to bring it back to the basics. I had to get the shape of the face and features to really nail his style. His eyes gave me the most trouble. After I got those down everything else seemed to fall into place.

I'm under the belief that if you can figure out the shapes of the features of the full frontal view then you will have an easier time turning them in space. Now that I have the basics of his men down I've moved on to his women for the next hundred. It is much easier now that I know the shapes that he uses for his men. Jim's women use the exact same shapes as his men. The eyes are just bigger and rounder. His hair will be what gives me the most trouble now. This exercise will give me some much needed practice in drawing hair. I'll see you all next week with the next 100!

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